
Persian Translation of “U.S Voters Repudiate Far Right, But Still Face Austerity Capitalism Under Obama”

Persian translation by Abtin Derafsh of “U.S Voters Repudiate Far Right, But Still Face Austerity Capitalism Under Obama.” رای‌دهنده‌گان امریكائی دستِ ‌رد به‌سینه‌ی راستِ افراطی می‌زنند،اما هنوز تحت ِدولتِ اوباما با سرمایه‌داری ریاضتی روبه‌‌رو هستند  

Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution

Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” zeroes in on a single, crucial month of the U.S. Civil War, a conflict that amounted to a second American revolution. In January 1865, as the Union victory over the Confederacy is just months away, President Abraham Lincoln decides to push through the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution, abolishing slavery unconditionally and without compensation to the slaveowners. This is a far different Lincoln than the candidate of 1860, who refused to campaign as an abolitionist, or the president who delayed issuing the Emancipation Proclamation until almost [...]

Los votantes estadounidenses repudian la extrema derecha, pero aún se enfrentan al capitalismo de austeridad bajo Obama

Los Ángeles, California- Un electorado multicultural y multiétnico ha rechazado rotundamente la agenda de extrema derecha republicana en las elecciones estadounidenses de noviembre. Barack Obama logró una victoria por un  margen mayor del que habían predicho incluso los encuestadores más afines. Los votantes rechazaron las políticas de la derecha, no solo en el terreno económico, […]

U.S. Voters Repudiate Far Right, But Still Face Austerity Capitalism under Obama

Los Angeles, CA — A multiethnic, multicultural electorate has just given a sharp slap in the face to the extreme-right Republican agenda in the November elections in the U.S. Barack Obama achieved a more decisive victory than even sympathetic pollsters had predicted. Voters rejected right-wing politics not only on economic grounds, but also in terms of gender, sexuality, race, immigration, healthcare, the “war on drugs,” and militarism. (Persian Translation) (Spanish Translation)

Persian translation of “Marcuse’s and Fromm’s Correspondence with the Socialist Feminist Raya Dunayevskaya: A New Window on Critical Theory”

This article has been translated into Persian by Mehrdad Emami  and published on October 8, 2012 the website “Anthropology and Culture” For original English version, please Click Here

Year Two of the Arab Revolutions

I. Prologue The 2011 Arab revolutions have shaken the world, toppling three well-entrenched dictatorships – in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya — in a battle not only for democracy, but also one that raised issues of economic and social justice while attacking neoliberal capitalism. Moreover, they touched off a year of upheaval, from Wisconsin to Spain, […]

Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales (Spanish)

“Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales” (Spanish) [Marx on nationalism, ethnicity, and non-Western societies], July 25, 2012 Conclusion of Marx at the Margins translated and published in Spanish by the website Viento Sur (

Marx plus que dans les marges (French)

“Marx plus que dans les marges”  [Marx at more than the margins], July 16, 2012 Conclusion of Marx at the Margins translated and published in French by the website A l’encontre — La Breche (

On Marx, Hegel, and Critical Theory in Postwar Germany: A Conversation with Iring Fetscher; Translated by Jin Shou-tie (Chinese)

Marcuse’s and Fromm’s Correspondence with the Socialist Feminist Raya Dunayevskaya: A New Window on Critical Theory

During the years 1954 to 1978, the Marxist-Humanist and feminist philosopher Raya Dunayevskaya corresponded separately but intensively with two noted members of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. The correspondence covered dialectical social theory, socialist humanism, the structure and contradictions of modern capitalism, and feminism and revolution. As a whole, these exchanges illustrate […]