Distinguished Professor of Sociology,
Courtesy Appointments in Feminist Studies and Political Science.

University of California, Santa Barbara


Photo credit: Guimaraes São Paulo


Kevin B. Anderson is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, with courtesy appointments in Feminist Studies and Political Science. He is the author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism (1995), Foucault and the Iranian Revolution (with Janet Afary, 2005), and Marx at the Margins (2010/2016). Among his edited volumes are the Rosa Luxemburg Reader (with Peter Hudis, 2004) and the Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence (with Russell Rockwell, 2012).  He writes regularly for New Politics, The International Marxist-Humanist, and Jacobin on Marxism and on international politics and radical movements in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.


Unexpected Result of French Election Bars a Neofascist Victory, Constituting a Moral as Well as a Political Victory for the Left

As French parliamentary elections pushed the leftist New Popular Front into first place, a pleasant sort of shock [...]
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Two Dialectical Anniversaries, Lukács and Dunayevskaya

In a fortunate coincidence, the year 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Georg Lukács’s epochal History and Class Consciousness: Studies [...]
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Kissinger, Mao and the Undermining of the 1960s Revolutions: Recalling Raya Dunayevskaya’s Prescient Analysis

The war criminal Henry Kissinger, who died at 100 in December, has been celebrated as a skilled strategist [...]
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The Middle East and the World After October 7, and Israel’s War on Palestine

The October 7 attack by Hamas militants from Gaza into Israel, across one of the most closely guarded [...]
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France: Anti-Police Uprising of Marginalized Youth Hurls Challenge to the Entire Social Order

In response to the police murder of a 17-year-old youth, Nahel Merzouk, in the banlieue [variously translated as working class [...]
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French Strikes and Popular Mobilizations Continue, Contesting Not Only Retirement Rollback, But Also Police Brutality and Authoritarian Politics

Since January, more-or-less weekly mass labor mobilizations have continued against a new law that would increase the retirement [...]
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Kevin B. Anderson Received the Career Achievement Award

At the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting In August 2023, Kevin B Anderson received the Career Achievement Award [...]
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[Published] Woman, Life, Freedom: The Origins of the Uprising in Iran

In March, 1979, urban Iranian women and girls and their male supporters took part in a week of [...]
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The new translation into Tamil of Marx at the Margins

The new translation into Tamil of Marx at the Margins is now available. Tamil Nadu, India: New Century [...]
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The Last Years of Karl Marx: A Conversation between Marcello Musto, Kevin B. Anderson, Himani Banerji & David N. Smith

A BSA Social Theory Study Group Event, 25 October 2021  
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Portuguese (Brazil) edition of Marx at the Margins

Marx nas margens nacionalismo, etnias e sociedades não ocidentais [ ESTE LIVRO ENCONTRA-SE EM PRÉ-VENDA E ESTARÁ DISPONÍVEL A [...]
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Scholars of Distinction

Sociologist and historian are named 2019 Fellows of the American Council of Learned Societies By Jim Logan Thursday, [...]
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