The Obama Effect Undermines the Left

1. It is evident that Obama will not work for the global abolition of capitalism. But did or do you though pin hopes on his foreign policy? Peter Hudis: I did not pin much hope on Obama’s foreign policy, since it is important to remember that since becoming a...

Behind the 2009 Upheaval in Iran

The Friday, June 12 election was widely expected to be a somnolent affair in which Ahmadinejad coasted to a second term over some lackluster opponents. Instead, the Moussavi campaign quickly heated up, jarring not only the conservative establishment but also sparking...

French Union Evicts Africans

The French CGT union’s racist expulsion of African immigrants from its offices reveals deep contradictions inside the labor movement. On Wednesday, June 24, a terrible event took place in Paris: Hundreds of Africans sans papiers (undocumented immigrants) who had...