March 10th, 2015
Karl Marx and Intersectionality
In the late twentieth century, a theoretical discourse of intersectionality became almost hegemonic in many sectors of radical intellectual life. In this discourse, which concerned social issues and movements around race, gender, class, sexuality, and other forms of oppression, it was often said we should avoid any kind of class reductionism or essentialism in which gender and race are subsumed under the category of class. (Spanish Translation)
March 01st, 2015
Japanese translation of Marx at the Margins
Marx at the Margins was published in Japanese by Shakai Hyouron Sha (Tokyo: February 2015) and was translated from the English by Tairako Tomonaga, Soichiro Sumida, Ryuji Sasaki, Kohei Saito, and Hideto Akashi, with new prefaces for the Japanese edition by Tairako Tomonaga and Kevin Anderson. More information here:
February 23rd, 2015
Préface à l’édition française (2015) de « Marx aux antipodes. Nations, ethnicité et sociétés non occidentales »
This preface was written for the 2015 international editions of Marx at the Margins, in French, Japanese, and other languages. The English version of the preface will appear in 2016 in the second edition with University of Chicago Press. The French version of the preface can be located HERE.
February 21st, 2015
[Persian] Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
This article by Janet Afary and me, entitled ““The Seductions of Islamism: Revisiting Foucault and the Iranian Revolution,” New Politics (Summer 2004) has just been translated into Persian by Aydin Zarf and published in Problematicaa (Tehran), Feb. 11, 2015. The original English version is HERE. PDF Download
January 30th, 2015
[Spanish] Los asesinatos de París en un contexto global
This article was translated into Spanish by José Demócrito Pérez-Ardá and published in Marxismo Critico. The original, entitled “The Paris Assassinations in Global Context,” was published in the International Marxist-Humanist (Jan. 12, 2015) and can be accessed HERE. The Spanish translation can be accessed HERE.
January 14th, 2015
[Persian] The Paris Assassinations in Global Context
Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Mehrdad Emami and published in Critique of Political Economy. The original, entitled “The Paris Assassinations in Global Context,” was published in the International Marxist-Humanist, January 12, 2015. The Persian translation can be accessed HERE.
January 12th, 2015
The Paris Assassinations in Global Context – Kevin Anderson
Two hundred years ago, the German philosopher Hegel wrote of the dehumanization that occurred during the Great Terror that followed the French Revolution of 1789 as a form of “death that achieves nothing, embraces nothing within its grasp; it is thus the most cold-blooded and meaningless death of all, with no more significance than cleaving a head of cabbage or swallowing a draught of water.”
January 06th, 2015
Ferguson Protests Place American Civilization on Trial: A Symposium – by David Black, Kevin Anderson, Richard Abernethy, Dan Beltaigne, Antony H., and Remah Sufi
Introduction The mass outpourings in the USA protesting the growing epidemic of police murders of Black youth have exposed, more than ever, the great divides in American society. Whilst people of color in the US feel ever more threatened and angered by a gendarmerie newly-militarized with deadly hardware surplus from overseas wars, the supporters of […]
December 15th, 2014
[Chinese Translation] On Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory: A Critical Appreciation of Herbert Marcuse’s Reason and Revolution, Fifty Years Later
This article was translated into Chinese and published in Research on Marxist Aesthetics (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). The original was published in Sociological Theory 11:3 (November 1993) and can be accessed HERE. The Chinese translation can be accessed HERE.
November 01st, 2014
[Japanese] Lenin’s Encounter with Hegel after 80
This article first appeared in English in Science & Society, Vol. 59, No. 3 (1995) and can be accessed here. The Japanese version, published in the Tokyo Gramsci Society Bulletin, No. 59 (2014) PDF