
Just published: Chinese edition of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism

The Chinese edition of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism: A Critical Study, translated by Professor Zhang Chuanping, appeared in October 2012 from Nanjing University Press, with a new introduction by the author. Buy from Amazon

Just Published: David Norman Smith’s Review of Marx at the Margins in Rethinking Marxism

Marx’s perspective on the multicultural world in which capital achieves systemic ascendancy has not yet been fully mapped either culturally or geopolitically. Capital’s ‘‘metabolism’’ with the environing social world has been affirmed in principle and, anthropologically, in terms of the articulation of modes of production. But Marx at the Margins is the first book to […]

Just Published: The Turkish Edition of Afary and Anderson’s Foucault and the Iranian Revolution

Arka Kapak1978-1979 yılları arasında, İran halkı, otoriter bir iktisadi ve kültürel modernleşme programı yürüten Rıza Şah Pehlevi rejimini devirdi. Ayetullah Humeyni’nin önderliğindeki militan İslamcı hizip; laik milliyetçilerin, liberallerin, solcuların yer aldığı rejim karşıtı başkaldırıya egemen oldu. İslamcılar için, Şaha karşı verilen mücadele Kerbela Savaşı’nı, Humeyni masum Hüseyin’i, Şah da onun can düşmanı Yezid’i simgeliyordu. Şahın […]

Just Published: Karl Marx, edited by Bertell Ollman and Kevin B. Anderson

Marx’s approach to analyzing society and especially his critique of capitalist society, continues to influence the work of a large number of scholars world-wide. Unfortunately, there are relatively few clear accounts of what this approach is and how to put it to use. And, despite the many attempts to use Marx’s method to study a […]

A New Book Published: The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978

Editors: Kevin B. Anderson and Russell Rockwell. The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978: Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, and Critical Theory is published by Lexington Books (April 12, 2012) This book presents for the first time the correspondence during the years 1954 to 1978 between the Marxist-Humanist and feminist philosopher Raya Dunayevskaya (1910-87) and two other noted thinkers, […]

Persian Translation of Marx at the Margins

Hassan Mortazavi’s translation of Kevin Anderson’s Marx at the Margins: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Non-Western Societies came off the press in January 2012 (Zherf Books, Tehran, Iran) This is the first published translation of the book, with French and Turkish editions underway.

“Interview with Kevin Anderson” – by Kevin Anderson and Ayob Rahmani

Hassan Mortazavi’s 2008 Persian translation of Marx’s Capital, Vol. I, is to be commended as one of the few to include the textual variants from the French edition, variants that are yet to appear in any English edition. These show Marx’s shift toward a more multilinear theory of social development in his later years and […]

Le Monde Diplomatique Reviews Marx at the Margins (Spanish Translation)

Le but de ce blog et de mon compte Twitter est d’essayer faire passer une autre information sur l’Orient. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de tenter de donner des nouvelles différentes, ni d’analyser ce qui s’y passe, mais aussi de changer la grille de lecture à travers laquelle nous regardons l’Orient. Il faut arriver à […]

Marx at the Margins Receives Sociology Book Award

This year’s winner of The Paul Sweezy Marxist Sociology Book Award is Kevin Anderson for his work Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies (University of Chicago Press, 2010). The award committee, chaired by Tom Keil, and consisting of Keil, Rod Bush, Tom Conroy and Wendi Kane, described the work as: “[A] […]

Occupy Wall Street movement (Chinese)

Kevin Anderson interviewed in  Chinese Social Sciences Daily Interviewed by Zhang Junni in “Occupy Wall Street: Exposing the Systemic Crisis of Capitalism in America,” Chinese Social Sciences Today, Nov. 8, 2011