
Les postmodernes attaquent Marx à cause de son humanisme. Entretien avec Kevin B. Anderson

This article was translated into French by G. Cluseret and published in Avanti: site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires. The original, entitled “Interview with Kevin Anderson,” appeared in English in Global Discourse, Vol. I, Issue II (2011). The French translation can be accessed HERE.

Resistance versus Emancipation: Foucault, Marcuse, Marx, and the Present Moment

I. The Changed World of 2011-12 We live in a far different world than just a few short years ago. Not only have we suffered the greatest economic downturn since the 1930s, but we have also witnessed the emergence of new forms of mass struggle. Foremost among these have been the 2011-12 Arab revolutions, still ongoing. Not since 1848 has the world experienced such a wave of revolutions crossing borders in such a short period. Moreover, unlike some of the other democratic upheavals of this century (Iran 2009, Ukraine 2004, [...]

Tunis bar labeyeh tiq (Persian translation of Tunisia on Razor’s Edge after Assassination of Chokri Belaid)

This article was translated into Persian by Farzaneh Raj and published on the website Critique of Political Economy. Anderson’s original article, “Tunisia on Razor’s Edge after Assassination of Chokri Belaid,” appeared in English in the International Marxist-Humanist on February 13, 2013.  The Persian translation can be accessed HERE. Doc file can be downloaded HERE.

Tunisia on Razor’s Edge after Assassination of Chokri Belaid

The cowardly assassination of Chokri Belaid has thrown Tunisia into its biggest crisis since the overthrow of the Ben Ali regime in 2011. Gunned down as he left his home on the morning of February 6, apparently by Islamist militants, Belaid was one of the country’s most famous labor lawyers and leftist leaders. Known for having defended the Gafsa phosphate miners against state repression after their 2008 strike under the old regime, Belaid had been a prominent member of the secular left for decades. He was a lifelong Marxist who [...]

Los postmodernos atacan a Marx por ser un humanista. Entrevista a Kevin Anderson

This article was translated into Spanish by Jordi Mundó and published in Sinpermiso. Rahmani’s “Interview with Kevin Anderson” appeared in English in the International Marxist-Humanist (reprinted from Global Discourse) on December 6, 2011. The Spanish translation can be accessed HERE.

Marxism va Ensan Gara’i: Goftoguy Ayob Rahmani ba Kevin Anderson

The English version, “Interview with Kevin Anderson,” appeared in the International Marxist-Humanist (reprinted from Global Discourse) on Dec. 6, 2011. PDF

Portuguese Translation of “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution”

This article was translated into Portuguese by Sylvia Nerina and published in Vermelho (Brazil). Anderson’s original article, Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution, appeared in English in the International Marxist-Humanist on December 19, 2012. The Portuguese translation can be accessed HERE.

Spanish Translation of “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution”

This article was translated into Spanish by Gustavo Buster and published in Sinpermiso (Spain).  Anderson’s original article, “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution,” appeared in English in the International Marxist-Humanist on December 19, 2012. The Spanish translation can be accessed HERE.

French Translation of “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution”

This article was translated into French by Sylvia Nerina and published in Avanti: Site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires (Belgium). Anderson’s original article, Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution, appeared in English in the International Marxist-Humanist on December 19, 2012. The French translation can be accessed in HERE.

Persian Translation of “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution”

Persian translation by Farzane Raji of Kevin Anderson’s article, “Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln,’ Karl Marx, and the Second American Revolution,” which originally appeared in the International Marxist-Humanist on December 19, 2012. لینكلن اسپیلبرگ، كارل ماركس و انقلاب دوم امریكا / كوین آندرسن ترجمه فرزانه راجی