
“Marx at the Margins: An Interview with Kevin Anderson,” by Kevin Anderson and Spencer Leonard

Last summer, Spencer A. Leonard interviewed Kevin Anderson, author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism (1995) and Marx at the Margins (2010). The interview was broadcast on August 2, 2011 on the radio show Radical Minds on WHPK–FM Chicago. What follows is an edited transcript of their conversation.  Spencer Leonard: Broadly describe your aims and […]

“Interview with Kevin Anderson” – by Kevin Anderson and Ayob Rahmani

Hassan Mortazavi’s 2008 Persian translation of Marx’s Capital, Vol. I, is to be commended as one of the few to include the textual variants from the French edition, variants that are yet to appear in any English edition. These show Marx’s shift toward a more multilinear theory of social development in his later years and call into question some of Engels’s editing decisions. The relevance of Marx and of Marxist-Humanism for today and the enduring significance of Rosa Luxemburg are also discussed. PDF (French Translation) (Persian Translation) (Spanish Translation)

Review Symposium on Marx at the Margins – by George Karavas, Dave Eden, Sandra Rein, and Kevin Anderson

Originally appeared in Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations, Vol. 1: Issue II: Special Issue Part 2: Examining the Contemporary Relevance of Marxism

On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s Civil War Writings, 150 Years Later

As the U.S. marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War this year, some attention has been given to African-American resistance to slavery and to the northern radical abolitionists. Increasingly, it is admitted, even in the South, that the Confederacy’s supposedly “noble cause” was based upon the defense of slavery. Yet to this day this country continues to deny the race and class dimensions of the war. There is also a denial, sometimes even on the Left, of the war’s revolutionary implications, not only for African-Americans, but also for white [...]

Persian Translation of “Arab Revolutions at the Crossroads”

This translation by Said Tah and Yashar Shaf of parts of Anderson’s April 2011 article on “Arab Revolutions at the Crossroads” was published in Iran in Shargh Online, Oct. 8, 2011. The translation includes the introduction, conclusion, and discussion of Libya.

Arab Revolutions at the Crossroads

Foucault, Toplumsal Cinsiyet v Akdeniz ve Müsülman Toplumlarinda Erkek Escinselligi (Turkish)

“Foucault, Toplumsal Cinsiyet v Akdeniz ve Müsülman Toplumlarinda Erkek Escinselligi” [in Turkish: Foucault, Gender, and Male Homosexualities in Muslim and Mediterranean Societies], Cogito (Istanbul) No. 65-66 (Spring 2011), pp. 228-262, in special issue on “Sexual Orientations and Queer Theory” [trans. into Turkish of Ch. 5 of Foucault and the Iranian Revolution]

Not Just Capital and Class: Marx on Non-Western Societies, Nationalism and Ethnicity

Despite the revival of interest in Marx since the economic crisis hit, some important ideological and conceptual barriers continue to block what would be a very positive step, returning to Marx as the primary source of leftist critique of capitalist modernity as a whole, and as providing the theoretical ground for its overcoming [Aufhebung]. In recent decades, Marx’s critics have fallen into two large groups, sometimes overlapping of course. In neoliberal ideology, Marx is considered a dead dog because he tried to take us beyond capitalism, to which there is [...]

French, European Strikes Reveal Mass Discontent… and Its Limits

The September 29 European strikes and demonstrations featured mass mobilizations across several countries, as well as a large march outside the European Commission in Brussels.  Up to 100,000 workers from 30 countries took to the streets of Brussels to denounce the politics of government budget cuts on the backs of the workers, as well as […]

Los Angeles Protests Against Police Killing Reveal the Real Grassroots – by Kamran Afary and Kevin Anderson

Protests against the police killing of a day laborer in the Westlake neighborhood of Los Angeles – populated by impoverished Central American immigrants – reveal the real grassroots of US society as it suffers through the Great Recession — Editors Los Angeles, CA — Protestors demonstrated on the streets and clashed with police after the […]