
Don’t Forget the Political Earthquake in Georgia

Defeat of the Republicans in the January 5 Georgia senate election at the hands of Blacks and other progressives upends the decades-old Republican “Southern strategy".

U.S. Election Shows Deep Divisions, with Multiple Dangers Ahead Even If Trump Can Be Made to Leave Office

The U.S. election showed deep opposition to Donald Trump and the far-right Republican Party, but far less than polls predicted in terms of the total voting margin for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris centrist Democratic ticket. While Biden and Harris scored nearly 51% to Trump’s nearly 48%, with a 5 million advantage (77 million total, and […]

Thoughts on the U.S. Elections: Threat of the Far Right

  1) How do you judge things in the run-up to the November elections? What is the political scenery like, two weeks before the elections? Now that Trump has sunk deeply in the polls, after a disastrous infection with COVID-19 and an equally disastrous debate performance, the atmosphere is a bit more relaxed, with less fear […]

Indonesia: Mass Strikes Show Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ecology

Over a million people have taken to the streets in Indonesia to protest a neoliberal law that would roll back labor protections, especially for working women, while also opening the road toward greater environmental destruction.

What Is Socialism? Answers from a Humanist, Marxist Point of View

In dialectical thought going back to Socrates, it has often been useful to define something by indicating what it is not, and from there, getting closer to a true definition of the issue at hand. This method of presentation is different, of course, from that in traditional textbook learning, but it is utterly appropriate to the discussion of socialism, a subject both complex in its own right and overlaid with so many conflicting perspectives and interpretations.

On the Battle of Ideas: Responding to the New World of COVID-19, Economic Crisis, and Anti-Racist Uprisings

This spring, as some countries began to reopen after months of COVID-19 lockdowns, youthful rebellions broke out inside the two most powerful states in the world, the USA and China.

Notes on the Black Lives Matter Uprising in Historical and Global Context

This spring, as some countries began to reopen after months of COVID-19 lockdowns, youthful rebellions broke out inside the two most powerful states in the world, the USA and China.

Easter 1916 at 100: Its Marxian Dimension

By Kevin B. Anderson

This article was translated into Persian by Mobin Rahimi and Jalal al-Din Rahimi and was published in on May 7, 2020. Its English version appeared on this site on March 29, 2016.  

Notes on Lenin at 150: Theoretical Preparation for Revolution in the Time of COVID-19

By Kevin B. Anderson

Two weeks ago, April 22, was the 150th anniversary V.I. Lenin’s birth. What does it mean to consider Lenin 150 years after his birth and at the time of COVID-19? To many on the global left — from anarchists to social democrats — the answer would be a resounding, “He means nothing at all to […]

Review of Marx e o mundo não-ocidental

By Lucas Parreira Álvares

This review of the new translation of Kevin B. Anderson’s Marx at the Margins Margins ( ) was first published in Portuguese in Le Monde Diplomatique Brazil. O livro oferece ao público uma investigação cuidadosa, rigorosa e de fôlego. A obra concretiza longos anos de trabalho de Kevin B. Anderson, professor da University of California, […]